Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Executive Resume Writing Service Reviews

Executive Resume Writing Service ReviewsA number of Executive Resume Writing Service Reviews have been created over the past years. This article takes a look at what the best programs are and the specific strengths of each.A variety of different executive resume writing services exist for all industries and locations. The best ones, however, are those that can provide you with excellent customer service.Every customer service program needs to do a thorough job of ensuring the organization's reputation is maintained by consistently providing excellent customer service. This is because it can seriously affect the company's bottom line when dissatisfied clients do not continue to hire others for future business.Every customer service plan must first identify how it ensures the services work well. The very best executive resume writing service reviews make this a prime focus.The best executive resume writing service reviews also cover what the company offers in terms of training or educa tion. Many have significant experience in the field, but should also provide information on training you can do yourself that can enhance your skills further.A top customer service program should also offer extensive training on how to write resumes. This can be done through learning online, or in-person seminars, which can dramatically increase the level of resume writing expertise they offer.It is very important to note that many executive resume writing services do not provide training on how to create a successful resume. Instead, the client is required to create the resume as it is written by another employee.The best resume writing service, therefore, does allow for both client and employee input. This allows for a more direct link between the two in order to ensure both the resume is tailored towards the individual hiring the professional.The top customer service programs are also the ones that give a great deal of flexibility to their customers. For example, many allow the u se of a template for an example or two, but only if the template is passed along to them.This allows the client to choose which assets they wish to put into the example. Additionally, some offer a multi-media style version of a resume or job description.One of the best executive resume writing service reviews also looks at how this kind of flexible service is carried out. Often times, a service will have a mailing list to which they distribute the resume templates on a monthly basis.Other customer service evaluations may look at how the resume service handles late submissions. Many companies make it clear that late submissions will be lost, so these measures should always be taken into consideration before hiring a client.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Using Spanish Resume Writing Services For English Speaking Applications

Using Spanish Resume Writing Services For English Speaking ApplicationsIf you're a new or budding business, try writing a Spanish speaking resume and an English speaking job application. You'll be amazed at how these two sets of requirements will make the task of successfully hiring a new employee much easier.Writing a Spanish job application is about as easy as writing an English one. The most common things they ask for is a one page form which must have the name of the person seeking employment, a current job description, a contact phone number, and the position that they are looking for. It is also important to emphasize that the position can be done in any language. Please note that a Spanish speaking resume writing business needs a specific set of information, and can request additional documentation when requested.Writing a Spanish speaking resume and English resume requires a little more work, but still easy to complete. The most common criteria is the English version of the r esume should be typed, and if you choose to use a Spanish word processor you should format it with a good autoresponder software.It should be used to provide detailed information on your qualifications and training as a job applicant. When writing a Spanish resume that is intended for a Spanish speaking job application, it should include information in both English and Spanish. These resumes should contain all the information needed to be able to use the translation service.When doing an English speaking resume, the most important information required is the list of accomplishments in the field. The resume must also have a section which allows the applicant to state their school experiences. It is advisable to list all your education as well as training, and if possible the type of work experience, and any further training that may be required. Also indicate how many positions you have held in the past, including salary information and any awards received.When requesting additional information, and discussing specific jobs you have had, be sure to mention all the responsibilities that were listed in the previous section. Keep in mind, each job you were offered was already listed in the document, and each position you were accepted to would also be noted. If there are any positions that are open, be sure to list them in this section.English and Spanish resumes are available at any job agency in a very short period of time. Remember that the job agency is usually the one doing the hiring for the organization. Also, remember that you can be the one to write the actual job application, but the rest of the information is expected to be included on the English and Spanish resumes.In short, when doing a job application, always try to make them as easy to use as possible. Keep in mind that there are two languages to consider and that making the two languages as equally as compatible as possible will make a positive impact.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Career Change May No Longer Be An Option!

Career Change May No Longer be an Option! by Randi Bussin | Jan 29, 2009 | Career Reinvention | zero comments Career Reinvention May No Longer Be an Option Just learn the newspapers and add up the number of job cuts. Tuesday’s WSJ announced close to 80,000 job cuts, together with Caterpillar, Home Depot, Sprint Nextel, ING Group and others. Jobs are imploding and so are industries. If you haven't considered altering careers and reinventing yourself, perhaps nows the time to step again and rethink your future. Better to have a plan than get caught off guard. For many of you, this may sound overwhelming and daunting-and rightly so. Career change and transition can be very scary. Starting this week, I will be blogging each few days on the steps necessary to start the process of profession reinvention. The first part of this process may be very introspective, so I encourage you to purchase a journal and keep track of your day by day ideas, ideas, revelations and recurring themes, all i n one place. Step One: Assess your Likes and Dislikes Think about your present or most recent function. Identifying what you dislike is usually simpler to define than what you do like, so we’ll begin there. § With a bit of distance, attempt to determine the aspects of the position you dislike(d). § Are your dissatisfactions related to the company culture and the folks you work with? § Or are they more associated to the precise content material of your work? § Do you dislike the trade, what it stands for and the products/companies produced? Now to your likes: § What do you enjoy doing at work, even if you are not/were not capable of do it in your present/most recent position? § What others industries are you drawn to? § What do you like to do when you are not working-in your spare time? Coming up subsequent….Assessing your motivated abilities Email Address * First Name * Example: Yes, I want to receive emails from Aspire for Success. (You can unsubscribe anytime)

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Five Ways to Improve your Customer Communications

Five Ways to Improve your Customer Communications Five Ways to Improve your Customer Communications Five Ways to Improve your Customer Communications By Laura Brown, writer of How to Write Anything: A Complete Guide (W.W. Norton Company, 2014) Correspondence isnt consistently head of psyche for entrepreneurs, yet its imperative to recollect that the center of each independent venture is its relationship with its clients. Committing some consideration to client interchanges can be a significant interest in your future business achievement. Not every person can bear to employ a costly advertising specialist or a web-based social networking master, yet all entrepreneurs can improve their client interchanges utilizing these five methodologies. 1) Make correspondence a need in your business Your initial step is to make a pledge to quality client interchanges, and to ensure each and every individual who works for you is ready. Client correspondence incorporates everything from telephone discussions to messages to deals recommendations to online life. Consider making some correspondence rules for your business - for example, all client calls and messages to be returned inside 24 hours, and standard follow-up on consumer loyalty. Include your staff in building up these rules. On the off chance that your workers help shape your client correspondence arrangements, theyll be bound to go the additional mile in helping clients every day. 2) Use layouts In the event that your association does likewise sort of composing over and over - for example, deals proposition, item depictions, or deal postings - you can spare time and improve quality by making formats. Most organizations wind up doing this of course, utilizing old reports as models for new ones, yet youre happier choosing insightfully what you need to incorporate and how the data ought to be designed. Utilizing formats not just accelerates your work, it additionally helps ensure that your clients get all the data they need, and it gives them an increasingly predictable encounter of your business and your image. 3) Clean up your email One reason clients like to belittle private companies is the human-to-human get in touch with it includes. Ensure your client messages sound like they were composed by a genuine human who thinks about the client experience. Its characteristic to race through email, however it doesnt take long to start a message with a welcome and end one with a legitimate shutting. Dont overlook please and much obliged. Focus on precision also. Be particularly cautious about messages you compose on your telephone. Its barely noticeable mistakes when youre composing on a little screen, yet a message that is loaded with blunders can make you appear as though you dont care. Set aside the effort to edit rapidly before you hit send. 4) Improve your site duplicate Your companys site is its open face and voice. It can likewise have a significant impact in the business procedure, on the off chance that it connects with your clients appropriately. The #1 botch entrepreneurs make when composing web duplicate is to concentrate on what they need to state as opposed to on what potential clients need to hear. Consider who will visit your site and why. What are their needs? How might you tackle their issues? You web duplicate should feature the advantages your item or administration offers to your possible client. Once youve drafted your web duplicate, request that a couple of individuals read it from the perspective of a possible client. Inquire as to whether anything is indistinct or in the event that they have questions, and overhaul as indicated by their input. When youre dealing with your site, its simple to concentrate on plan and treat the duplicate as an untimely idea, however setting aside the effort to compose executioner site duplicate can separate your business from the opposition. 5) Learn to utilize web-based social networking Having an indispensable private company web based life nearness can be a shelter, and fortunately its not difficult to figure out how to utilize web-based social networking successfully. On the off chance that youre simply beginning, set aside some effort to investigate what comparable organizations are doing on Facebook and Twitter, and study the notices and tweets you believe are generally captivating. Tweets are constrained to 140 characters, and it requires a significant stretch of time to get the hang of keeping in touch with them adequately. You can say more on Facebook, however recollect that everyones shy of time nowadays. Your fundamental objective via web-based networking media is to serve your locale of clients. Obviously youll need to get the word out about deals or new items and administrations, however your exercises shouldnt be solely limited time. Its much increasingly critical to offer something of significant worth to your planned clients: data, related connections, pictures, and declarations from different organizations they may be keen on. On the off chance that you make a nearness that your clients will appreciate and esteem, theyll hold returning. At last, when you begin utilizing internet based life, make the promise to keep it up. A relinquished Facebook page or Twitter account makes the feeling that you didnt care enough to proceed with the push to speak with clients - and that is not a message you need to send. Improving your client correspondence requires a venture of time and vitality, two assets that entrepreneurs commonly dont have in wealth. Its value recollecting, however, that your nearby client connections can give you a genuine edge over bigger associations. Putting client correspondence high on your rundown of needs can pay off in consumer loyalty and dedication after some time. © 2014 Laura Brown, writer of How to Write Anything: A Complete Guide Creator Bio Laura Brown, PhD, writer of How to Write Anything: A Complete Guide, has instructed keeping in touch with pretty much everybody - from corporate officials to secondary school understudies. She has more than a quarter century experience giving preparing and instructing in business composing, and she has likewise shown piece and writing at Columbia University. Her mastery envelops educator drove preparing, singular instructing, homeroom instructing, and e-learning improvement. She has worked with customers, for example, Morgan Stanley, AOL Time Warner, Citigroup, DHL and MetLife. Interface with Laura on Facebook and Twitter. Understand More: Instructions to Communicate Effectively as a Manager Working environment Communications: Strive to Be Boring! Successful Communication Skills: How Stories Capture Employees Attention

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Cover Letter Resume Clip Art and A Creative Marketing Strategy

<h1>Cover Letter Resume Clip Art and A Creative Marketing Strategy</h1><p>When recruiting another worker, particularly in a prospective employee meeting, an introductory letter can be a significant initial introduction, particularly in the event that it is important to utilize an introductory letter continue cut workmanship for your introductory letter. A decent deals work candidate can transform an unremarkable prospective employee meet-up into a discussion that can possibly make them need to recruit you over a less qualified candidate, and afterward into a vocation offer.</p><p></p><p>Sales occupations are regularly required by more youthful people, and these are not employments you can apply for pretty much anyplace. Despite the fact that they are not at the head of the rundown when you are looking for work, you can most likely get a business line of work on the web, or by means of a grouped promotion. You are as yet going to require a voc ation introductory letter, in light of the fact that a decent direct mail advertisement can assist you with finding the activity, yet ensure that the letter is more explicit and progressively custom fitted to the person who is being met than what you would compose for some other job.</p><p></p><p>A direct mail advertisement cut workmanship could incorporate various things, for example, a direct mail advertisement posting the consequences of ongoing deals you have made, or in the event that you are selling something, a depiction of the thing you are selling. It can likewise incorporate a smaller than expected review of the activity posting itself, and a couple of lines concerning why you ought to be the perfect contender for the activity, alongside your contact data, and conceivably a connect to a business page that can show you the sort of business they are in. It is the open door for you to give a superior early introduction about yourself, and on the off ch ance that you don't have an individual association with the questioner, this is an incredible method to make one.</p><p></p><p>Another extraordinary approach to incorporate the expert resume introductory letter is to incorporate it as a piece of the promoting methodology for the business, for an item, administration, or program you are selling. This is particularly valid for individuals who are selling an item, particularly in the event that it is something that has been explicitly advertised by the company.</p><p></p><p>A extraordinary approach to get inventive with your introductory letter cut workmanship is to utilize an alternate idea for each section, with a couple of catchphrases that identify with the primary thought. For instance, it would be a smart thought to utilize a free relationship between the two sections and afterward utilize a free relationship between the two passages again after those to get the best outcome for you r letter.</p><p></p><p>One more idea for your introductory letter continue cut workmanship could be a comparative idea with an alternate shading plan, and afterward the various hues could identify with the primary subject of the letter itself. In the event that your letter isn't centered, at that point you should consider overhauling the letter only a little to make it increasingly engaged, and possibly changing the letter to fit into another plan or format.</p><p></p><p>Covering up a direct mail advertisement cut craftsmanship or having it worked into a promoting technique is an extraordinary method to begin and continue working at it until you are well en route to getting the activity that you need. Great luck!</p>

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Life Lessons from a Laid-Off Lawyer

Life Lessons from a Laid-Off Lawyer Life Lessons from a Laid-Off Lawyer Posted by Sara Clemence, Last-Minute Holiday Marketing Tips Recession Briefing 12.2: Downturn Breeds Vegetarians Screwed: 564 at Bulgarian Railway Infrastructure Company

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Couples Who Got Back Together Share What Made Their Second Try Successful

Couples Who Got Back Together Share What Made Their Second Try Successful In the event that theres anything that mainstream society can show you, its that separating doesnt essentially mean its over for good. Its normal for couples to give up and a couple of years (or months, weeks, even days) after the fact, choose to give it another go.But what makes them feel that it will chip away at attempt No. 2? Actually investing energy separated to refocus can show the two accomplices a considerable amount and theres a possibility that, if theyve gained from the circumstance, they can reunite with clear personalities and open hearts to truly make the relationship work.We chatted with couples whove reunited to share what theyve realized that is helped them make their relationship fruitful the second time around. Heres what they needed to say.1. You need to transparently communicate.Were both military individuals (I was a vet and reservist), and, while we were positioned abroad, my significant other ended up managing something he wouldnt or couldnt converse with me about, says Carol Gee. An effectively tranquil man, he had consistently had issues talking and sharing. A half year passed when I inquired as to whether he saw whatever he was managing finishing at any point in the near future. At the point when he answered, no, I requested to come back to the U.S. Working all day with two low maintenance employments to make a decent living, I invested my energy attempting make a life for myself. I adored him and, on the grounds that I felt we were intended to be together, I couldn't focus on a genuine relationship while separated.In the interim, Gee says they kept in contact when they could.Until he understood we were preferable together over separated, we would stay separated, she says. Over two years passed. At the point when he had an alternative to resign from the administration or acknowledge a stateside task, he requested to visit so we could talk. During his visit, he chose to resign. He expressed quite a few things, he despite everything ad ored and missed me and he inquired as to whether I would give him one more opportunity. I proposed we take it each day in turn that he expected to converse with me about what is new with him in the future.In March 2019, they praised 46 years together. Advising during the time helped them to truly hear one another, and today, Gee says, theyre more joyful than ever.2. You may need to experience growth.Second chances can work I am living verification that reviving with an ex can work out, says Penelope Lynne Gordon, originator of Gordon says she transformed from an exceptionally uncertain young lady with an awful instance of relinquishment issues into an entire, recuperated and certain young lady. Furthermore, her ex returned. She says the explanation is that the two of them changed.Let me get genuine with you: Good connections dont separate. So some significant changes and moves must have occurred since your separation so as to give you a battling chance at progress with cycle two. Wh at sort of self-awareness have you both concentrated on? How have you both changed? In what manner will it be distinctive this time? What do you need? Have you gotten truly clear on what it is you really want?She suggests getting a diary and working out precisely what you need in a relationship. At that point make sense of what number of the things on your rundown you realize your ex will satisfy, she says.If youre prepared to give it another go with your ex, at that point make a guarantee to one another to remain completely in the present and to not raise torment from an earlier time, she goes on. Continually raising the past and tossing past disappointments into every others faces is a catastrophe waiting to happen. Concentrate on the present and on the capability of your future together.3. You need to assemble trust.I am involved with a young lady for around two years; we broke up, yet we fixed up, and now our relationship is going fine, says Shahrukh Sadiq, a computerized promot ing master at Cybervision International Islamabad. The genuine article is trust. We have our recognitions and we tend to overthink, which causes us to feel suspicious. However, we set limits around our relationship, and now we are doing fine.- - AnnaMarie Houlis is a women's activist, an independent writer and an undertaking devotee with a partiality for imprudent performance travel. She goes through her days expounding on womens strengthening from around the globe. You can follow her work on her blog,, and follow her excursions on Instagram @her_report,Twitter@herreportand Facebook.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Good At Math Here Are Some Career Choices To Consider - Margaret Buj - Interview Coach

Great At Math Here Are Some Career Choices To Consider It's significant that we as a whole play to our qualities with regards to choosing the perfect vocation way. Thus, you have to invest energy working out where your gifts lie. In this article, you will secure some phenomenal position proposals for individuals who are acceptable at arithmetic. Ideally, these thoughts will give you some motivation. Budgetary Advisor There are heaps of people out there who need help with a scope of money related issues. They may incorporate issues like venture or getting ready for what's to come. Around one out of five monetary consultants are independently employed. Thus, you may even get the opportunity to begin a business on the off chance that you decide on that profession way. Bookkeeper Numerous specialists and entrepreneurs need to utilize the administrations of bookkeepers. Your essential job would include recording money related data and afterward passing it to the IRS. Individuals in the bookkeeping calling are never going to battle for cash in light of the fact that there is in every case heaps of work accessible. Business Management Advisor Now and then entrepreneurs utilize the administrations of specialists to assist them with smoothing out their activities. On the off chance that you pick that activity, you could wind up working everywhere throughout the world. Your obligations would include helping your customers to set aside cash and increment benefits. In any event one of those proposals ought to appear to be engaging you. In this way, presently you simply need to play out some additional examination and learn however much as could be expected about those vocations. You may need to pay for some school courses, however it merits the venture in the event that you get a profession that will accommodate your family. Plan by Financial Advisor Degree Infographic

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

A Careers Service Charges Students For An 8

A Careers Service Charges Students For an eight-month Course Which Includes 6 Month Internship University of Dundee Careers Service provides a 8 month course with 6 month internship with a Scottish employer. The course would price upto £2700 to a global pupil. And by the seems of it, that value is only for 2 months. With the ‘teaching ‘ done by the Careers Advisers. /Careergeek_blog/college-of-dundee-careers-service-educating-grad How a Diploma in Cyber-Security Can Fast-Track Your Career Cyber-safety is a sub-stream in pc science and a course that's extremely relevant in our... 5 Lucrative Careers An MBA Could Land You If you wish to take advantage of your faculty experience and progress in your career or have been... GED vs High School Diploma: What’s the Difference? There are loads of causes students drop out of high school. Though the stigma around it's still... How A Masters Program Chiropractic Degree Can Open Up Career... A lot of people have been increasingly excited about chiropractors as a result of they don’t prescribe... Where Can I Study English and Foreign Languages in London? The metropolitan city of London is a huge mixing pot of cultures that houses people from... 5 Ways to Spruce Up Your Nursing Resume Nursing is an in-demand profession all over the world. Skilled nurses usually don’t have to... […] A Careers Service Charges Students For an eight-month Course Which Includes 6 Month Internship […]

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

I Hate Resumes. Why Personal Connections Matter in Hiring - Workology

I Hate Resumes. Why Personal Connections Matter in Hiring - Workology Job Search Tip: Conversation, Cocktails and Coffee Please consider voting for my SXSW 2016 Panel with Carlos Gil, Resumes Suck! 7 Ways to Land a Job with Social Media. Click here to vote.   As a entrepreneur and business owner, Ive found that relationships are the key to my business. A referral email, quick phone call or an in person meet is the best way to establish a business connection that leads new project, gig or job opportunity. A resume  or even a  proposal doesnt always provide enough information. Its simply a foundation that can help continue, or build on, the business relationship or conversation not start one. I view the job search the very same way. A month or so ago, I announced I was hiring for a new blog editor and instead of asking for an application I asked for an email, a LinkedIn profile and a short video explaining why you are a good fit for the role. I didnt do any job posting, advertising or promotion. I simply clicked publish on a blog post and shared in two Facebook groups. The first one was Chris Brogans The Secret Team (which I recommend that you join) and Social Media Jobs. In under 48 hours I had over 175 emails expressing interest in this blog editor role. This need for personal relationships and connection is the reason Im in San Francisco this week for work. Most days I work from home in a small home office with my face in front of multiple computer screens, a Skype headset strapped to my ears. Most of the time its relatively quiet in my office. Maybe theres some music playing. I certainly have my share of business calls and phone conversations but most often the noise that fills my office is the sound of key-tapping. Job Search Tip: Conversation, Cocktails and Coffee But this week there are lots of meetings filled with the three Cs: conversations, cocktails and coffee. There are new business schemes and dreams being hatched and the developing of relationships and friendships that lead to new business opportunities. This is the flaw in the hiring process, or business relationship process, and why resumes are the black hole of all humanity. Its the reason I strongly believe that the hiring process cannot be fully automated. Not every business can be like IBM and eliminate the in person interview. Unfortunately, applicant, you are just number 165 of the 175 emails I received for my blog editor opening. Yes, saying that makes me sound like a douche, but its true.  Im a small business trying to bleed a turnip dry to get as many hours out of the day as I can. Maybe you are a startup founder, freelancer writer or job seeker. Technology helps make us more productive and certainly allows me to engage using this blog, Twitter, Facebook and even LinkedIn. But automated tech cant replicate a personal relationship or connection. This is the fundamental flaw with resumes. And while I did take the time to look at those 175 emails each individually, I only talked to five individuals and interviewed them over the phone within the course of less than two weeks. Three of the five were people I already knew. Those conversations were easy. The other two came from personal connections and relationships I had. Their friends simply sent an email suggesting I connect with their friend or colleague. One was a client and the other was someone I knew from Twitter who took the time to send me a recommendation email which led to an interview. Guess which one I ultimately offered the job to?  It was the Twitter connection referral which led me to my new and pretty awesome blog editor, Megan Purdy. .ai-rotate {position: relative;} .ai-rotate-hidden {visibility: hidden;} .ai-rotate-hidden-2 {position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;} .ai-list-data, .ai-ip-data, .ai-fallback, .ai-list-block {visibility: hidden; position: absolute; width: 50%; height: 1px; z-index: -9999;} Social Media as a Foundation in Life as Well as Business Being on social media and building personal as well as in real life connections are the foundation of my business. Whether in person or online, theyre  the difference maker in my business. They have also burned me in the past. I make a wrong judgement or leap of faith from time to time. The human element in business is a risk. No matter how failed those bets I made on a friend or business partner were, I wont let them jade me. Because the human connection is the ultimate differentiator in life and all things. These connections become friends as well as clients. Online communities like blogs and social networks help keep us connected. They strengthen those connections and help build new ones. My mentors, my friendships and most of my business relationships had a starting point, or a strengthening point, online. Whether you are self-employed, a freelancer or a corporate pro, those personal connections are the central point of contact in this universe which leads me back to the importance of a relationship as a foundation because it can be the difference maker in a professional opportunity. Resumes suck. Humans win. This is the key to any effective business interaction. Its the human element that moves us. It propels us and makes this life worth living and a job or gig worth experiencing. Please consider voting for my SXSW 2016 Panel with Carlos Gil, Resumes Suck! 7 Ways to Land a Job with Social Media. Click here to vote.   .ai-rotate {position: relative;} .ai-rotate-hidden {visibility: hidden;} .ai-rotate-hidden-2 {position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;} .ai-list-data, .ai-ip-data, .ai-fallback, .ai-list-block {visibility: hidden; position: absolute; width: 50%; height: 1px; z-index: -9999;}

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

4 Tips on Writing a Resume That Sells Your Skills

4 Tips on Writing a Resume That Sells Your Skills 4 Tips on Writing a Resume That Sells Your Skills A resume that prompts better openings for work must contain the correct catchphrases, incredible activity action words, extended occupation subtleties and results, and a focused on design. 1. Use Keywords Catchphrases are an essential part of your resume. Does your resume sparkle with watchwords that coordinate the abilities the imminent boss looks for in an applicant? Catchphrases are generally known as center capabilities. All together for your resume to go through a businesses candidate following framework (ATS), youll need to ensure you notice the correct catchphrases and center competencies. The ATS searches out certain keywords in each resume, empowering managers to choose just applicant with the capabilities, abilities, and certifications expected to fill the position. On the off chance that your resume comes up short on the catchphrases managers are searching for, the ATS will hurl it out. The watchwords you need to remember for your resume will rely upon the particular employment to which you are applying. Peruse the set of working responsibilities near figure out the key skills and abilities an organization is searching for, and try to utilize language from the depiction in your resume. 2. Send Action Verbs Activity action words can represent the moment of truth a resume. Job up-and-comers ought to consistently abstain from utilizing the modifier capable. It is basically a vacant word. It lacks activity, and it doesn't enlighten the peruser of your resume regarding what you really did. Recollect when your English educator would state, Show me, dont let me know? The equivalent applies to continue composing. Each sentence about your proficient experience should start with an amazing activity action word. What is an activity action word? Activity action words are words that express activities someone has submitted. Instances of incredible activity action words include: achieve, regulate, prompt, examine, arrange, plan, direct, assess, encourage, execute, recognize, oversee, use, and change. 3. Rundown Your Job Details and Results In all honesty, it is difficult to record what you do on an everyday premise. Along these lines, make a stride back and make a rundown of the best 5-7 assignments you handle or are liable for at your organization. Do you plan customer arrangements? Do you regulate or train different workers? Do you do research or examination of spreadsheets? Do you fill in as a contact to the official administration? While passing on the subtleties of your work histories, we should likewise go a step further and talk about our activity results. Results can incorporate honors youve got, significant commitments you made to the organization, delegate commitment, and even enormous activities youve drove or oversaw. On the off chance that your resume just incorporates work capacities and excludes work results, this can cause you to show up as a normal up-and-comer, rather than an applicant who goes above and beyond the obligation at hand. It is suggested that you list in any event three outcomes and achievements for each position youve held. 4. Format Your Resume Properly There is a cluster of templates out there on the Internet that can assist you with picking a search for your resume. Notwithstanding, remember that, when you send in your resume, a business will take a gander at it for a normal of around six seconds. Consider, as well, the way that many different candidates might be applying for the equivalent job. It is to your greatest advantage to make a resume that is clean, clear, and compact, with a text style that is simple on the eyes. Sans-serif textual styles, for example, Tahoma or Calibri are enthusiastically prescribed for resumes because of their simple intelligibility. Furthermore, make sure to hit the most significant subjects and headings on your resume: work understanding, training, aptitudes, and accreditations. Continuously focus your headings, as a perusers eyes normally look at the focal point of a page. A resume is, at last, an attempt to sell something. Your resume must sell your abilities plainly, certainly, and decisively in the event that you need to proceed onward to the subsequent stage: the interview.Master the craft of shutting arrangements and making positions. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. We're SHRM confirmed. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access more than 20 courses. Incredible for the individuals who need to break into enrolling, or selection representatives who need to promote their vocation. been cited by The Huffington Post and Business News Daily. She every now and again talks at nearby schools and for associations on continue composing, LinkedIn profiles, and meeting abilities. Wendi is the proprietor of The Writing Guru, a resume firm situated in Miami, Florida, with national demographic.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Difference Between a Job Board and Search Engine

Contrast Between a Job Board and Search Engine Contrast Between a Job Board and Search Engine It can be confounding to differentiate between a vocation board and a pursuit of employment motor, yet its savvy to know where the activity postings you find online are originating from. Commonly, in an introductory letter, youll notice how you secured the position posting. Set forth plainly; a job board is a site that posts occupations provided by bosses, whereas job search engines scour the web and total occupation postings from work sheets and manager sites. Occupation Boards With work sheets, organizations have explicitly recorded their open positions and regularly acknowledge employment forms legitimately through the activity board. Managers regularly pay a charge to the activity board to list their occupations on the site â€" basically, the site distribution centers continues and sells bosses access to them. Beast, the biggest and most popular activity board, is a general board with postings over an expansive scope of enterprises. Indeed offers a more extensive exhibit of occupations including contract positions, work-at-home chances, summer employments, and volunteer work. CareerBuilder is concentrated more on individuals with a single guys degree. Other progressively specific sheets center around a specific industry. Dice, for instance, is a main site for tech jobs. Career Bank and eFinancial Careers focus on account and banking. Variety Careers posts media occupations in TV, radio, and production. TalentZoo covers promoting and advertising. Very specialty situated occupation center around exceptionally explicit vocations: an apparatus designer would search for work on; if youre a specialist in common language processing, is the place of work for you. Other specialty sheets oblige a portion of the activity advertise like entry-level jobs, summer occupations, or temporary positions. Web indexes Undoubtedly and SimplyHired are two of the most well known quest for new employment motors, and they gather a huge number of postings on their platforms. (Indeed is both a pursuit of employment motor and an occupation board.) LinkUp searches through the sites of little, medium, and huge businesses without including contribution from work sheets. Specialty quest for new employment motors, like Green Job Bank or JobsOnTheMenu, gather occupations from different industry or profession explicit destinations. Sheets versus Web indexes You will locate a more extensive assortment of employment postings on pursuit of employment motors since they contain postings from numerous sources. Be that as it may, you may likewise need to glance through copy postings and ensure the activity opportunity is as yet accessible. Likewise, focusing on an expansive pursuit of employment can be troublesome. In the event that you search a major organization, you may get hundreds, or even thousands, of results. Including boundaries, for example, area can help thin the outcomes. In the event that you discover an open door through an occupation board, you may need to enroll on that site, and some even require an expense to join. You may likewise manage a great deal of spam and notices. A Comprehensive Strategy Additionally, remember that not many recruits occur through occupation sheets. In an article on PBS, bosses detailed that simply 1.3 percent of their recruits originated from Monster and 1.2 percent through CareerBuilder. To boost your pursuit of employment, utilize both occupation sheets and quest for new employment motors alongside an assortment of destinations on the grounds that no single site look through all occupation postings. Past that, don't confine your pursuit of employment to online sources. By far most of recruits come through networking. At least 60 percent of all occupations are discovered along these lines, and a few sources refer to much higher insights. To amplify your odds of getting a new line of work, you'll love and getting recruited for the position, make a multi-prong procedure including specialty and general pursuit of employment motors and occupation sheets and networking. Most importantly, don't keep your pursuit of employment under your cap (regardless of whether your present business circumstance implies that you must be discrete via web-based networking media and at work). Tell everybody you realize that you're looking. Timetable espresso dates with reaches you haven't found in some time, and convey business cards in the event that you run into an association socially who may have a lead. Set up informational interviews with individuals who have occupations you need, and ask them how they got where they are today. Keep in mind: the objective isn't simply to get employed. It's to get a new line of work that is fulfilling, at a business that's a great social fit, and that pays properly for the role and for your abilities and experience. To get that going, you have to exploit each asset available to you â€" not simply work sheets and web search tools.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

24 Offer - Empower 2-for-1 and Give to Dress for Success - Melissa Llarena

Small Business Saturday 11/24 Offer - Empower 2-for-1 and Give to Dress for Success Small Business Saturday 11/24 Offer Empower 2-for-1 and Give to Dress for Success **Update: this offer is no longer valid**Shopping or gifting isnt just about crossing off the items on your list, the toys and shoes we buy for ourselves or others, but also the intangible things, such as an opportunity to enhance someones career or provide the right tools for their future.As a result, Career Outcomes Matter is participating in Small Business Saturday 2012 and, to celebrate, we’re inviting you to shop with us and EMPOWER TWO people for the PRICE of ONE!When you buy any of our career enhancing services (via Maestro Market*) on November 24th 2012, Career Outcomes Matter will donate to Dress for Success ®**  so that someone else can get a career boost too. You can choose from: Go for a Raise, Rescue my Resume, or Make LinkedIn my Advocate, all of which are exclusively available via this link: It WorksThank you for supporting Small Busines s Saturday 2012 and please  don’t forget to Like us on Facebook at truly,Melissa LlarenaCEO/Founder of Career Outcomes Matter, a career coaching firm focused on pulling Gen X-ers towards the careers of their dreams by leveraging the web’s power tools of social media.*Maestro Market is a unique digital platform that gives people the power to find and connect directly with experts, and even their heroes, to learn new skills, solve problems, get inspired and even gift experiences.**Dress for Success ® is non-profit organization that provides interview suits, confidence boosts, and career development to low-income women in more than 75 cities worldwide.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

TheLadders Presents Live Video Chat with Amanda Augustine

TheLadders Presents Live Video Chat with Amanda Augustine TheLadders Presents Live Video Chat with Amanda Augustine Go along with me March 8 at 1 p.m. (EST) for a free online conversation about assembling your resume. As the Job Search Expert for Ladders, I get the opportunity to assist individuals with securing the correct position every single day. As you most likely are aware, I'm truly dynamic via web-based networking media, sharing significant articles and giving down to earth tips to move your pursuit or vocation forward.However, my preferred piece of the activity is the point at which I find the opportunity to present to experts and answer their inquiries live. That is the reason I'm so amped up for our most recent initiative!Join me this Friday, March 8, at 1:00 p.m. (EST) for an online video visit about assembling your resume. I will give tips on making a resume that underpins your activity objectives, yet is designed to make it past the electronic guards. What's more, the best part? You can ask me your inquiries and find a solution immediately!We are utilizing a help called Spreecast for this pilot appear. So as to RSVP for this occasion, you should make a record with Spreecast. It would be ideal if you adhere to the guidelines underneath to go to this free QA meeting. Go to your-resume and snap the blueRSVPbutton on the correct hand side of the page. You will be approached to make a record with Spreecast utilizing your email address* or the login utilized for your Facebook or Twitter account. When you're made a record, you can RSVP for ourspreecast. By RSVP'ing you will get an email update both 24 hours and 1 hour before the spreecast begins. In the event that you'd preferably simply go to as a visitor, you can join the Spreecast on March eighth here. Be that as it may, if it's not too much trouble note that you might have the option to pose inquiries or remark on the off chance that you have a Spreecast account. I anticipate talking with you on March 8!*To complete your enlistment, you will get an affirmation email requesting that you validate your record. On the off chance that you don't see this email, if it's not too much trouble check your Spam or Junk organizer before messaging'S NOTE: Click on the accompanying connect to watch an account of this spreecast.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

20 Resume Tips for 2020

20 Resume Tips for 2020 January 6, 2020 There is a wealth of resume tips and best practices that professionals can employ to raise the value of their resume in 2020. However, no  two job seekers are exactly alike, therefore, what works for one person’s resume may not work for another. Truly, the best resume tip of all is that there is  No One Way to Write a Resume! These 20 bite-sized resume tips for 2020 are designed for quick reference and easy application.  Each tip links to another source so you can fully explore the topic. Apply what works best…for YOU! 20 Resume Tips for 2020: Pick out a job target before you start to write the resume Know yourself, know your audience, and know what matters most Customize content for every job â€" general resumes don’t work Make your value known Use a tailored resume header that speaks to the job you want, not the job you have Consider how ATS (applicant tracking system) will read your resume. Research how ATS works Provide examples of how the application of your skills resulted in positive outcomes No need to list all career history. 15 years of recent employment detail is typically sufficient Highlight top career achievements and provide the proof Focus on achievements, not tasks in your resume. Yes, everyone has results to share Lead with results  and front-load points throughout for greater impact Let the resume be storytelling in nature Weave the right keywords throughout the file that relate to the target role and audience Use an active voice with lots of action words Engage modern, well-suited design components Include appropriate white space; make it easy to read Content is king, but presentation matters too Use strategic content to de-emphasize any employment gaps Remove any possible resume red flags to help improve application success Ensure the resume look and strategy isn’t ageing you. Use a modern approach Bonus tip: Keep abreast of resume trends because this important career tool is always evolving!

Friday, June 12, 2020

Kobe Bryant Launching Venture Capital Fund

Kobe Bryant Launching Venture Capital Fund Kobe Bryant is propelling an investment subsidize with financial specialist Jeff Stibel today, the Wall Street Journal reports. The $100 million store, Bryant Stibel, will put resources into media, information, and innovation organizations. The two men have purportedly put resources into 15 organizations in the previous three years. The Los Angeles-based colleagues are not presently looking for outside financing, and are contributing the $100 million themselves. Up until this point, they have put resources into organizations including the Players Tribune, a games site, and LegalZoom, lawful administrations organization, among others. As indicated by the report, Stibel has the business know-how, while Bryant will give the advertising heading. Understand More: These Olympians Are Going for the Gold on Wall Street The Journal takes note of that Bryant is a long way from the main ball player to attempt his submit the VC world. Shaquille O'Neal, Carmelo Anthony, and Steph Curry have additionally put resources into new companies.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

5 interview tips for seasoned leaders

5 meeting tips for prepared pioneers 5 meeting tips for prepared pioneers At the point when you've been in the workforce for quite a while, beginning from Square One by experiencing the employing procedure again can be daunting. This may not be your first rodeo, however you'll have to push the limits between appearing to be fittingly educated and arrogant.Keep these meeting tips as a top priority whenever you're meeting for a job.1. Try not to act like you definitely know everythingAuthor and ethnographer Simon Sinek put it best when he said that pioneers ought to learn constantly. So don't show up at the meeting, prepared to demonstrate that you - and only you - have all the appropriate responses. It's offensive.Remember, show that you're sure, yet you should remain humble. You're the one in the meeting seat, after all.2. Try not to speak terrible about your past organization or previous colleaguesYou, surprisingly, should know this at this point: Word ventures fast.You ought to be knowledgeable in the possibility that whatever you state to one individual may not remain with only them. So regardless of whether your past organization was entangled in an open, corporate embarrassment, there's a superior method to discuss your experiences than slamming everybody you worked with.Briefly address the circumstance, yet in addition talk about what set you apart from those involved.3. Show that you have a great deal to bring to the table, yet are available to new ideasRecruiters aren't searching for somebody who can't develop with their position.Each work is a chance to gain some new useful knowledge, so you should grasp this outlook in your meeting, and later whenever chose for the position.Show that you can effectively draw on the tremendous information that is joined your experience, however that you're additionally similarly as open to learning new abilities and viewpoints.4. Handle pushback with graceThe occupation probably won't be taken care of just yet.Barbara Safani, an official resume essayist, vocation mentor, writer, and propriet or of Career Solvers, composes on LinkedIn that you should foresee obstacles.Hiring directors might be impervious to an applicant who has been with a similar organization for a long time or has been out of the workforce for a long time. Have accounts of achievement prepared that show that while you were with one organization for quite a while, you held various jobs, worked for a wide range of individuals, or experienced business process changes that necessary you to be adaptable and oversee change, Safani composes. On the off chance that you are coming back to work, center around the aptitudes obtained during your time away from corporate America that have permitted you to develop and are essential to an imminent boss' present business needs.5. Know your placeResist the inclination to run the meeting yourself.Jenny Foss, organizer CEO of, an writer, and profession strategist, writes in The Muse that when you're meeting (following quite a while of screening competitors y ourself), you should let the questioner assume responsibility (be that as it may, effectively participate).As you settle in for a meeting, advise yourself that - this time - you're not the one directing it. It's occasionally hard for business pioneers to move into that elective job, yet it's significant that you do as such. Let the questioner do their activity, however don't be a mat, Foss says.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

4 Misconceptions About Stay-At-Home Dads We Need To End Now

4 Misconceptions About Stay-At-Home Dads We Need To End Now Picture a stay-at-home father (or, SAHD). What comes to mind?If youre enticed to depict an overweight, uncovered, apathetic man who lounges around drinking lager and watching sports throughout the day, youre tragically not the only one. Like the conviction that homemakers lounge around watching dramas and eating bon-bons, SAHDs are tormented by misguided judgments. Its awful that the world we live in still limits and subverts the estimation of household work and family.One of the most noteworthy social patterns over the most recent 20 years has been the ascent in the quantity of SAHDs. In the United States, this number has arrived at 1.9 million and records for 16% of the stay-at-home parent populace, as indicated by 2015 U.S. Enumeration information. Our way of life keeps on moving ceaselessly from the ridgid sex jobs of past ages, which is made obvious by ladies expecting greater involment from fathers and fathers venturing capable by eagerly taking on the essential nuturing job in their childrens life.After talking with a couple SAHDs at my children school, I discovered there are a couple of shared annoyances felt by these dads. Here are the misguided judgments they most need to see end:1. SAHDs are celebrated babysitters.Every SAHD I talked with revealed to me that when they meet somebody just because, theyre asked, Where is the mother? furthermore, Are you looking after children? This is a child rearing generalization where its naturally expected that a dad would possibly be with his children in the event that he was looking after children. That, as a male, he wouldnt be taking a veritable enthusiasm for investing quality energy with his kids except if hed been coordinated to. Truly, most children are viewed by ladies, however this annoyed the fathers, as they felt it was demeaning.2. Theyre languid and dont need to work.Whoever said that remaining at home to care for youngsters and the house was simple? Any individual who has encountered assuming the esse ntial duty of thinking about youngsters knows its in excess of an all day work. Taking care of school commitments and social calendars on the local responsibilites of dealing with a family is an outstanding task at hand that is rarely done, and I dont know any individual who has effectively adjusted both. Any individual who accepts that SAHDs are sluggish should never have been in a stay-at-home position themselves.3. Theyre out of work.Why cant a father be the central guardian of his family by decision? Who says ladies have first dibs on this job until the end of time? Times are evolving. On the off chance that we think about military families, we can without much of a stretch see this moving social pattern. As progressively military fathers come back from visits from the Middle East and somewhere else in the course of recent years, they are joining the positions of SAHDs. While ready for deployment these fathers might be conveyed from one to three years and be sent on different or ganizations, bringing about going through years from their kids. Its no big surprise that increasingly military dads, when they leave the military, are deciding to remain at home, having felt theyve passed up a lot of their childrens life.4. They arent gaining an income.Just in light of the fact that a father decides to remain at home doesnt mean he isnt winning a pay. Innovation and the web imply that working in conventional workplaces is not, at this point a flat out, or even the standard. As indicated by Global Workplace Analytics, telecommute positions among non-independently employed specialists have developed by 115% since 2005, which is almost multiple times quicker than the remainder of the workforce. Also, the computerized populace occupied with virtual, remote business, working from home and strategic scheduling has developed tremendously, with 45% of U.S. representatives telecommuting, as indicated by a 2015 report by New Jersey Institute of Technology.So, on the grounds that a father doesnt go into an office doesnt mean he isnt working. A few fathers I know have courses of action with their organization so they can be on calls previously, during, and after their childrens school plans. Different fathers Ive spoken with participate in virtual work that is venture based so they can work at odd hours that dont strife with school plans. Its a shuffling demonstration, however they make it work.SAHDs have my full regard, as they are a power to be dealt with. Theyre fit for doing everything a mother can do and similarly too; they take care of business in an unexpected way.- - Valerie Lynn is a Traditional Feminine Healthcare Expert work in Postnatal Recovery just as writer of The Mommy Plan, Restoring Your Post-Pregnancy Body, Using Womens Traditional Wisdom and an up and coming cookbook in the fall of 2017 - Healing Meals: Simple Recipes for New Moms. As a previous key business specialist Valerie lived in Japan, Malaysia, U.K., Australia and Indonesia. H er counseling practice in New York City underpins anticipating families, and both open and privately owned businesses, by making individualized 6-Week Beyond Post-Baby Recovery Recuperation Plan fusing postnatal new dietary needs, individual consideration and exercises.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Gary Vaynerchuk How To Use Your Passion To Attract Jobs

Gary Vaynerchuk How To Use Your Passion To Attract Jobs 4 In this podcast interview, Gary Vaynerchuk explains how knowing and using your passion can lead to your next job. Wouldn't you want to have a job you enjoy and are good at? To listen to the podcast, press the Play button to begin streaming the audio or else right-click the Download link and choose “Save as…” or “Save link as…”. document.createElement('audio'); Download the MP3 [ 33 Minutes â€" 43 MB ]eval If you'd like to find out more about the podcast before listening, read on. A passionate guy eval This interview was the first time I've spoken with Gary but I've seen him online many times in the past. Actually, anyone who's been active on social media at all since 2006 has likely come across Gary at one time or another. His story has become a typical case study in how to achieve success through personal branding, as Gary's brand perfectly matches my 2 Keys to Personal Branding Success. In this interview, I wanted to understand where this branding success came from and find out what a branding celebrity like Gary would recommend you do to achieve your own success. Podcast highlights How Gary has grown through almost 10 different businesses from lemonade stand to multimillion-dollar wine store to author today. Gary talks about the difficulties of family business and why he still does it. Revealed! Where Gary's world-renowned passion comes from. Gary explains his philosophy of challenging yourself to great success and once you achieve it, moving on to the next thing. Confirmed: a key to personal branding is knowing who you really are. Build your personal brand by discovering what your passionate about and create content around it. Network around those things to improve your chances of meeting the person that will hire you. The first step to “Crushing It” is to have a web home that you own i.e. not a Facebook or Twitter profile but your website or blog. Don't make the massive mistake of staying in a career if you're not happy even after considering all the effort you put in. You only live once. Gary details how he finds new opportunities. And I almost forgot: Dumbest question in the interview: When I asked Gary if his lemonade stand at age 5 was the “first time he ever went out on his own.” If you have any other favorite moments in the show, tell us in the comments below. Gary has just released his new book Crush It! Why Now is the Time to Cash in on your Passion is the book Gary discusses on the podcast and it goes on sale today, October 13th 2009. In “Crush It!”, Gary explains in more detail how to discover your passion and then harness it to achieve your goals. Here's a quote about the book: Everything has changed. The social media revolution has irreversibly changed the way we live our lives and conduct our business. There are billions of dollars in advertising moving online, waiting to be claimed by whoever can build the best content and communities. Despite this change, most people keep working at jobs that don’t make them happy and businesses continue to ignore the major marketing and public relations benefits that can be found online. If you're working at a job that doesn't make you happy or worse, looking for a job that won't make you happy, Crush It! will inspire you. Buy Crush It! now MP3 Download Download the MP3 [ 33 Minutes â€" 43 MB ]

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How to Write a Resume for an Internship

How to Write a Resume for an InternshipWhen it comes to creating a resume for an internship, there are many things that can go wrong. You may find yourself embarrassed, confused, and even hurt by the experience.Perhaps you will never be hired because of poor resume writing skills. But more likely, if you have never done this before, you will be overwhelmed and unable to finish the job. The second thing you should know is that your resume is for a professional person who has the skills you are looking for. There is no need to show off your various skills or abilities.Instead, focus on presenting your best skills in your best areas and detailing your technical skills. Your objective here is to bring in the most qualified professionals possible. However, keep in mind that this can become a competition. It's understandable to want to stand out. This is why you should choose the company with the best writer to send your resume.There are also things that you can do to make sure you are hir ing the best candidate. Be as open and honest as possible. Do not pretend to be something you are not. If you show up to an interview and talk a mile a minute you will not get anywhere. Remember, when an employer gets to see your resume that could be the only time they ever get to see it.Keep in mind that you don't have to write it perfectly. An internship is hard on anyone. However, if you take a few notes throughout, you will be able to show what you have learned and what is important to remember about your career. To get the most out of the writing process, plan your own internship to fit your skill set.Avoid writing something short that has the potential to catch the attention of the company. They will not do well with short documents. Instead, plan on your own resume to include everything. Include all your best skills, even if they are technical.During your internship, you will learn things and then you will become even better. Even if you know how to do something, it is still good to practice the skills in real life situations. Always stay up to date with your career. Even if you are new, you should already know what you want to do.Lastly, when you are writing your resume for your intern job, be honest. You want to impress and want to make your resume the best it can be.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

A week of journalism Why journalists misquote everyone...or do they

A week of journalism Why journalists misquote everyone...or do they I met my husband when he was in film school at UCLA. He was doing quirky video art instead of mainstream feature films, which made me think hed be good to date. So when he was interviewing people for a video about memory, I was happy to participate. I tried to be really charming in the interview scintillating, funny, adorable all the things he might want in a date. Then a year went by with no contact. Then I got a call from him. He ended up making the whole video about me, and the video was being shown in Europe and winning film festivals and it was part of UCLA film schools curricula. He said he spent a ten months editing my interview and he felt like hed been talking with me the whole time. Of course, I knew this was my cue. On our second date, I saw the video. He had footage of me telling all the most important stories of my life. He cut up the footage, reordered it, and created a tool that allowed viewers to recombine stories as they unfolded. He basically made me sound like a lunatic. Like I was probably a liar and maybe delusional, depending on how someone ordered the video. I fell in love with him immediately. I thought the work was genius commentary on storytelling. We each tell stories that matter to us. We take in the world, and tell it back in a way that creates meaning. My husbands video is an extreme example, but it resonates in a lot of different contexts, including journalism. The reason that everyone thinks journalists misquote them is that the person who is writing is the one who gets to tell the story. No two people tell the same story. Not every example of this is so extreme as my husbands video. Look at David Sedaris and Amy Sedaris. They grew up in the same house, but they dont have the same tales to tell from it. They are both great writers who see different stories in the same facts. Journalists who think they are telling the truth dont understand the truth. We each have our own truth. When you leave out details, you might leave out what is unimportant to you but very important to someone else, and things start feeling untrue to the person who wishes you included something else. Recruiters, by the way, know this well. If I get fired from three jobs but I only report that during that period I taught dance lessons to toddlers, I am not lying. I am merely telling the part of the story that I want to tell. No one can tell every part of every story. The details are infinite. But in this case, the fact that I left off the details most important to the recruiter makes the recruiter feel like its lying. But its not. Im telling my version of the story. So everyone feels misquoted because people say twenty or thirty sentences for every one sentence that a journalist prints. Its always in the context of the journalists story, not the speakers story. Heres my advice: If you do an interview with a journalist, dont expect the journalist to be there to tell your story. The journalist gets paid to tell her own stories which you might or might not be a part of. And journalists, dont be so arrogant to think you are not one of those who misquotes everyone. Because that is to say that your story is the right story. But its not. We each have a story. And whether or not someone actually said what you said they said, they will probably still feel misquoted. And this problem is not limited to text-based journalism. When my husband and I got married, we had a big wedding. When the photos came back, I said to my husband, These are terrible. He missed all the good photos. And my husband said, They seem fine. Theyre the photographers version of the story. Other posts from A Week in Journalism series: How to be a freelance writer without starving How to move from print journalism to online journalism Seven ways to get an agents attention (by my agent, Susan Rabiner)

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Virtual You

Virtual You photo courtesy digitalart Your online footprint is an important part of your personal brand. Just like a company selling a product, online is where many people will find you first. You should be aware of the elements you must manage. Social media.   There’s a reason I mentioned this first. Because of the nature of my job (public relations, blogger) I have a pretty big online footprint. Two years ago, a Google search for my name (with no location) would turn up about 14 pages of content (mostly relevant) and the majority of the content would be actual news stories where I was quoted.   This week, the same search for my name turned up a very different search. The first two full pages of relevant content were all linked to social media: my LinkedIn profile, my Facebook page, my blog sites, and my company website.   News items from traditional media did not appear until page three.   (Traditional news sites should take notice.) News and public notices.  Obviously, there is good news and bad news about getting your 15 minutes of fame. If you’ve been featured in the news for the wrong reasons, the articles or notices will show up for years unless you take action (more about that later.) Arrests, foreclosures, legal matters may all sneak into your digital footprint.   So will obituaries where you are mentioned, home sales notices, etc.   Someone with the same name may also confuse the issue. It’s important to know what’s out there; you may have a doppleganger who becomes famous and shows up in searches for your name.   For the next few years, my name will show up in searches because of a tragedy in Jacksonville, Arkansas.   Candace Moody of Jacksonville, AR, was a victim of a murder-suicide, and news items continue to appear about the incident. There’s also a prominent obituary, which may alarm casual searchers.   It’s especially challenging because the city where I live is usually a reliable way to sort my results from other peoples’. Close misses include people who spell their name almost the same way you do (Candice is a common variation of Candace.) Watch for Twitter accounts, blogs and social media pages that sound like you but may contain content that is definitely not you. So how do you manage all these sources? First, you have to know what’s out there about you.   It’s easy to set up a Google alert on your name (and location, if you have a more common name.) Just go to, set up an account (which will also allow you to store maps and directions) and set up how often you want to receive emails with your search parameters. This is also a good way to keep up with companies or industry leaders you are following in our job search. You should also make sure you have a robust online presence on social networks.   Even if you’re just posting links to articles you find helpful or interesting, activity on social networks will help push down other mentions in a search for your name.   That’s one way to “manage” your online presence.  Another is to make sure you sound like yourself (presumably) intelligent and literate.   Remove any posts that were written in haste and contain misspellings or opinions you wish you hadn’t posted.   The difference between online and real life is that online lives forever. Resist the impulse to post your snarky complaints and comments to social networks. Make sure your privacy settings are up to date, and that you share personal information appropriately.   The way you manage your own confidential information is how you’ll manage your employer’s information as well. Give them confidence that you understand how privacy policies work.   Facebook now allows you to organize lists (family, friends, classmates, etc.)and use them to organize the information you share.  While you’re creating your presence, consider brand consistency.   Use the same profile picture or avatar across sites so people can recognize you when they see you. Use similar or the same biographies and usernames (and make sure that they can be linked to you as a professional; @jacksonvillecutie may not ring a bell with your future employer.)

Saturday, May 16, 2020

What to Include in Your Tax Accountant Resume

What to Include in Your Tax Accountant ResumeThere are several pieces of information that you will need to include in your tax accountant resume. You will need to ensure that you have a detailed description of your work history that will portray your skills and abilities to potential employers. As a result, you should first consider what you would like to say about yourself on your resume.There are a few different topics that you can talk about when it comes to your experience as a tax accountants. Many people forget that there is a difference between a regular employee and a tax accountant. A tax accountant should be considered as an independent contractor and this is the section of your resume that you should be including.Most people that are employed by a company prefer to be referred to as employees because they feel that is more honest than being referred to as tax accountants. The term independent contractor will make them feel more at ease with their job. Another reason that y ou want to use the term independent contractor is because there are certain laws that govern the employment of such individuals. You should be aware of these laws before you hire someone to help you prepare your taxes.When you are recruiting for tax accountants, you will find that you will need to come up with different strategies to get that you will be able to reach your goals in a timely manner. These goals can range from filing your taxes to a number of other factors. If you hire someone and find out that you did not meet your obligations, you will need to give the person a written statement stating exactly what was done wrong.When you are recruiting for tax accountants, you will find that you will need to find out the average time that it takes them to complete a file. This is important because it will help you understand how long it will take for you to complete the process. You should also consider the amount of money that you are likely to save from hiring a professional. Yo u should also talk about why you believe that tax accountants are valuable to your company. Some of the reasons are that they will increase your productivity which will ultimately decrease your cost of doing business. Another reason is that they will help to manage your employees and increase their productivity as well.When you are recruiting for tax accountants, you should try to have a written proposal of your background. This is something that you will be asked to sign and can be very helpful in confirming the type of experience that you have. You should be aware that there may be some financial institutions that may not want to hire you based on the statements that you write on your resume.It is possible to help your business by hiring tax accountants. They should be included in your job description so that you will be able to fulfill the duties associated with them in an efficient manner. Make sure that you are fully prepared before you begin your search.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

What Does a Resume Sample For Writing Relevant Mean?

What Does a Resume Sample For Writing Relevant Mean?Resume samples are a great way to start, but if you're trying to get a better job you'll need to work to get the information right. A resume sample for writing relevent couses is never going to be up to par with what you should write in your own resume because you'll be seeing what is there, so you should try to understand that first.Remember that resume samples are there as a guide to help you. The person who created the resume sample isn't going to have the experience and knowledge necessary to make you truly shine on the cover letter. To get your resume to stand out from the rest, you should be giving the reader a reason to want to read it, not simply what is presented on the resume.You'll find that a resume sample for writing relevent couses is usually a very long way from the words you should be using. This is because the person creating the resume sample has seen a lot of others with the same exact goals, and they're trying to explain why they wrote it the way they did. Since they have a pre-written cover letter, they will usually select words that will please the reader more, leaving you little room to talk about your unique skill set or what you can offer the company.You should only use a resume sample for writing relevent couses that clearly present what you have to offer a potential employer. If you can present yourself as an expert in your field, then they can't help but hire you. It's much easier to get them to see that you can provide the type of service they're looking for when you take care of this one detail. A resume sample for writing relevent couses doesn't show how knowledgeable you are in your field, but simply how experienced in it you are.As you can see, a resume sample for writing relevent cousesis often a product of past experiences. These companies knew what you needed to do to succeed, so they wrote a sample for writing it. Once they've done that, they simply compiled all of their ex perience to come up with a one line resume that gives the impression that you have an understanding of the subject matter. In essence, a resume sample for writing relevent couses is like a condensed version of your resume.Don't be fooled by a resume sample for writing relevent couses. Instead, take it as a guide to getting the resume that you should be writing. When it comes to this kind of document, the content should be the core of your presentation, not a resume sample for writing relevent couses.A resume sample for writing relevent couses is only there to give you an idea of what your resume should look like. And what it should look like, again, should be a testament to your unique skill set and experience.A resume sample for writing relevent couses is an opportunity to educate yourself before you take the leap to write your own resume. You should be reading the experience of other writers and take what they are presenting and adapt it to what you feel would best suit you. Don't rely on what a resume sample for writing relevent couses says, because you're not that person.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Job Search - Stop Using Yellow Sticky Notes for the most Important Project in Your Life

Job Search - Stop Using Yellow Sticky Notes for the most Important Project in Your Life Job Search Stop Using Yellow Sticky Notes for the most Important Project in Your Life After 30 years of a sales and marketing career in Fortune 500s, and helping thousands of people get jobs, I continue to be shocked at how job-seekers are NOT organized to run a great search process. What Im numb to are the same excuses used for why you don’t have a great process in place: Ive never had to organize a job search before I have notes and I put them all in a folder I have a really good memory…no need for a better process Job Search is all about meeting people, not note-taking Really? Well, Cut the Crap, Get a Job! And crap comes in two forms: 1. Excuses that prevent you from being the best candidate in todays highly competitive market and 2. Mistakes you make that sabotage your ability to win a job. Regardless if you are thinking about job-searching, just started, or have been searching for a long time, you need to turn off whatever you think is a process and re-start with an entirely different approach. Why? Youre stuck in a paradigm believing that what you are doing is a winning way. Its not. If I had the neuralizer from Men in Black, I would use it on each and every one of you to erase what you think you know. Its a new era that requires more advanced skills. What tools you need: A PC with Microsoft Office (owned, free at library, borrowed from a friend) OR Pen and Paper and a binder What you need to build with those tools: Contact List for all of the people you will be meeting and following up with. Your network is the most valuable asset that should be treasured well past the job search process. So, in Outlook Contacts (“People” in Windows 8), enter a New Contact and organize each contact into “Categories”. Examples of categories are: Family, Friends, Peers, Job Search, Associations, etc.. Goal Worksheet: Document the hunt. What are you looking for? What cities, what industries, which companies within each industry in your city, what functions and what specific job titles? Job Opportunity Tracker: A table, spreadsheet or simply lines on a paper with each row representing a different job opportunity. It may be a lead from a friend at the gym, or a posted job description. If it is something you are ready to pursue, it becomes a row. The most important part of this tracker is the information about when you applied and when you will follow up. Any “next step” must be captured. Calendar: Why is it that so many job seekers use their calendar for work or when to take the kids to school? However, when it comes to the job search, we don’t use it. So bad things happen such as saying “Yes, Ms. Marshall, I will call you to follow up next Wednesday.” Yet you forget (because it wasn’t in your calendar), youre embarrassed so you never call her. There goes your dream job. All because you thought you could remember or you didn’t want to use the tools at your fingertips. In summary, avoid this CRAP and step up your game by building a strong foundation of tools and the discipline to rely on them heavily. Good luck, job-seekers! Cut the Crap, Get a Job is the title of my forthcoming book and get more tips at or

Friday, May 8, 2020

Dream Job - Making It Real - Hallie Crawford

Dream Job - Making It Real I spoke at the Junior League of Atlanta Wednesday night on Find a job you love: 6 Steps to clarify your career direction. It was a great event. I was thrilled to receive this feedback from one of the participants: Enjoyed meeting you last night is such an understatement! Like I said, I got more out of that hour and 15 minutes than I did in most of my college classes! I went home and talked my husbands ear off about it!. As a career speaker I dont think feedback can get better than that :-). Thank you to everyone who attended! At the event I was speaking to a woman who really wants to own a dance studio. Currently  she doesnt have the financing to start a business, and she sees this as a huge challenge. She imagines being able to start her own business so far in the future that she hasnt done much to even get started on it. She was very bummed and overwhelmed and asked me for my advice. I told her to achieve her dream she just needed to take one step. This would help make it real for her. I told her to look at real estate to rent a dance studio and I recommended joining an association for small business owners where she could network and learn more about starting a business. The point I was trying to make for her was this: How do you eat an elephant? The answer is one bite at a time. If you dont take one step, your dream is just looming out there. Your goal that will never happen! What first step will you take in reaching your career goals? Have a great weekend! Career Speaker

Monday, April 20, 2020

Should You Put High School on Resume?

Should You Put High School on Resume?Should you put high school on resume or not? Are there any drawbacks to high school on resume? When applying for a job and when applying for college admission, it is an interesting issue to discuss.High school should be included in the resume as a means of proving the applicant's attainment. This can be done by an essay with knowledge that they went to high school and any education that they have since then. Most importantly, high school will show that the applicant has skills that are sought in a professional setting. Usually, having this kind of skill can be translated to a higher salary at the time of employment.As far as qualifications are concerned, an appropriate or comprehensive list of the candidate's qualifications can be included in the resume. The rationale behind this is that a resume must be complete. As such, the introduction section should have all the information that will be listed later in the resume.Age is one of the most import ant criteria that can be included in resume. The age factor does not necessarily mean that the candidate is older than thirty-five years. There are usually strong chances that some of the skills that are likely to be used in a career have matured while in high school. This gives the applicant an opportunity to utilize these skills to a great extent, without any unnecessary cost.After high school, college is also a common hurdle that needs to be considered. This is where you are most likely to get opportunities from which you can continue your education and eventually get the job that you want.Should you put high school on resume or not is a question that must be addressed from time to time. If there are no disadvantages or benefits, then the applicant can just include it on resume, thinking that it can be used to their advantage.On the other hand, if there are some disadvantages involved, then it will be best to leave the risk or the disadvantage out of the resume. More often than n ot, this will give the applicant a chance to handle these problems on their own and try to figure out a way to overcome them.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Tips for Quitting a Job Gracefully

Tips for Quitting a Job Gracefully Feeling tanned, rested, and ready for a new job? Autumn is a great time to land a new gig, after the summer slowdown and before the holiday season gears up. According to job site, late September and October see some of the strongest hiring of the year. If you’re planning to move on to a new job this fall, career experts have some advice about what to do rightâ€"and what to avoid. Don’t send out a mass email. Whatever you do, do not announce that you’re quitting your job via a group email to your colleagues. You’ll catch your boss by surprise â€" never a good thing â€" and you’re almost guaranteed to kick off a highly annoying round of “reply all” responses. Tell your boss first. Step one is to inform your immediate supervisors, said Lesley Mitler, co-founder of Early Stage Careers, which offers career advice for young professionals. “You should never share this information with coworkers before giving your boss a chance to manage damage control,” she advised. Do it in person as opposed to over the phone or via email. (And don’t even think about texting your resignation; for one thing, your employer might not accept it.) Read next: This Is When You’ll Quit Your Job If you have a good relationship with your boss, it’s nice, although not a requirement, to ask how he or she would like you to handle announcing your departure to others. Keep your cool. “The number one rule is to remain professional at all times,” said Elene Cafasso, president of executive coaching firm Enerpace Inc. “As tempting as it may be to tell people what you really think of them on your way out the door, please don’t do it.” That includes throwing any shade at the exit interview or in a farewell email. It’s just not worth the hit to your professional reputation â€" and yes, your image will take a hit if you do this, Cafasso warned. Establish boundaries for staying in touch. There’s no rule that says you have to connect with all your former co-workers on LinkedIn, and you definitely shouldn’t feel obligated to stay friends with them on Facebook or other more casual social networks. If you had a good working relationship then sure, go ahead and connect on LinkedIn, Cafasso suggested. If you were also friendly outside the office, ask if they’d rather stay in touch via Facebook. For everyone else, ‘The safest thing to say is ‘I wish you all the best.’ No more is necessary,” she said. Don’t poach. It might be tempting, especially if you work in a competitive field, to try to bring your colleagues with you, but give it some time, Mitler advised. Even if you have colleagues pleading with you to pass along their resumes, wait until you’ve settled in a bit and gotten a feel for your new employer before you do so. Read next: 3 Times When You Definitely Shouldn’t Send a LinkedIn Invitation “Raiding your former employer is bad form,” Mitler said. Depending on the type of work you do and any employment contract you might have signed, it could also violate your company’s policy. Prioritize what to finish before you go. “The projects that people should wrap up before they leave are those where it would take a great deal of time or inconvenience a lot of people if they were left undone,” Cafasso said. If the work you do can’t easily or reliably be picked up by someone else, focus on that. If you’re leading a team of colleagues on a particular project, you’ll leave them with a positive impression of you if they’re not stuck tying up loose ends after you go. It’s never a bad idea to ask your boss which projects they’d like you to wrap up before you sign off for the last time, and you should certainly make a list of your current duties and activities to hand off to whoever will be taking over for you. Make introductions on your way out. Make things easier for the person who will be inheriting your role by introducing him or her via email to your most important contacts, be it clients, vendors, donors, or similar. Contact those people, let them know you’ll be leaving and when, and cc your colleague so he or she can start building their new contacts list, Mitler said. (It also helps to throw in something nice about working with your colleague, she added, to reassure clients that they’ll be in good hands after your departure.)

Monday, March 16, 2020

Best Call Center Service for Low-Volume Businesses

Best Call Center Service for Low-Volume geschftlicher umgangesAfter conducting considerable research and analysis of call center tafelgeschirrs, we recommend Signius Communications as the best call center service for low-volume businesses in 2019.Signius Communications is our pick as the best call center service for businesses with a low number of incoming calls. It provides competitively priced plans that are useful to businesses that dont receive a lot of calls but that leise want to outsource their phone line management.Signiuss services cost approximately 82 cents per minute, which is well priced compared to many of the other call centers we evaluated. In addition to its reasonable pricing structure, the personal and attentive service provided by Signius contributed to our selection of them as a best pick.To see all of our call center service recommendations, visit our Business nachrichten Daily best picks page.Editors note If youre looking for information to help you choose the call center thats right for you, fill out the questionnaire below to have our vendor partners contact you about your needs.Why Signius Communications?We recommend Signius Communications because it offers a flexible pay-as-you go plan that can easily meet the needs of businesses that receive few calls without costs spiraling out of control. Signius Communications offers all of the core inbound services we looked for, such as live answering, message taking, reservierung taking, and customer service outsourcing, and its per-minute usage rates were among the lowest compared to other low-call-volume plans that we discovered.Signius Communications also offers answering services for businesses with more basic needs. While answering services are not as extensive as call center services, they can keep costs low while leise providing quality service to callers on behalf of your business. Whether you need full customer service outsourcing or professional live answering and message taking, Sign ius Communications can meet your needs.PricingSignius Communications offers flexible pricing that is dependent on the services required by your business. If you need basic answering services like live answering, virtual receptionists and message taking, Signius charges a lower base rate. For more comprehensive call center services, Signius charges a slightly higher base rate. The per-minute rate, both for answering services and call center services, remains among the lowest for low-call-volume plans we encountered in our research.The quote we received for our hypothetical business, which required outsourced customer service, order taking and FAQ service, had a monthly base rate of $40 and included 50 minutes. Each additional minute beyond the 50 allotted minutes would be billed at a rate of 82 cents per minute, which was highly competitive compared to other low-call-volume plans offered by other call centers.Another benefit is that Signius Communications does not charge a setup fee for basic accounts, which was common among other services. Free setup and the low per-minute usage rate are particularly attractive to small businesses on a budget.Plans are flexible with Signius Communications as well and can be freely upgraded or downgraded as the scope of services grows or declines. Setup fees only become relevant when clients require Signius agents to update an integrated CRM or manage an elektronischer geschftsverkehr store for order taking. Signius Communications pricing is determined on a case-by-case basis, so we recommend contacting the companys sales department to find out exactly how much your business would be charged.Features and ServicesSignius Communications offers most of the core inbound call center services we looked for. Whether you need basic answering services or more advanced call center services, Signius Communications can handle it.Heres a look at some of the key features and services Signius offers.Live answering Signius agents operate as pr ofessional and friendly receptionists on behalf of your business 24/7/365, during business hours, after hours or for overflow calls. The company also offers bilingual agents that speak English and Spanish.Message taking Agents can capture callers names, contact information and their reason for calling. All relevant information is then forwarded to contacts in your company via phone, email or text message.Customer service Signius offers full customer service outsourcing, which involves agents umgang customer inquiries and complaints on your behalf. Signius agents strive to provide service to your customers that adheres to your companys standards and brand image.Help desk The Signius help desk can offer up to Level 3 technical support and IT center services, which is one of the more comprehensive help desk services we encountered. Agents can assist your customers with troubleshooting products and software, in addition to handling most tech-related calls without needing to consult your staff.Order taking Signius agents can also walk callers through e-commerce purchases. Order taking, though, requires a setup fee so that agents can access your online store and monitor inventory in real time.FAQs Signius agents can maintain a list of frequently asked questions (and responses) to assist your callers. For our hypothetical business, Signius said it would handle up to 10 FAQs.schmelzglas management Email management is another large task that Signius can handle for your business. Agents can manage incoming emails and respond to basic inquiries on your behalf. Any emails that require more detailed assistance are forwarded to contacts within your organization.Hotlines Signius can maintain a hotline service to monitor complaints, employee availability and even whistleblower services.Client portal Inside Signius Communications client portal, you can find a complete breakdown of your incoming calls, including the type of calls, the most common types of inquiries and complain ts, average call time and minutes used per month. For businesses with multiple locations, Signiuss reports break down usage site by location. All messages and call recordings are stored in the client portal and saved for up to one year. Data can also be downloaded and exported to a spreadsheet.LimitationsThe biggest limitation we encountered with Signius Communications is that the company bills in 12-second increments, slightly higher than the 6-second standard we encountered with other call center services.This means the duration of each call is rounded up to the nearest 12-second mark, which inflates usage. For businesses with a low call volume, this shouldnt elevate your monthly bill significantly, but it is still a consideration to keep in mind. With a pay-as-you-go plan, its important to keep an eye on your usage and remember that Signius Communications is rounding up.Customer ServiceOur customer service experience with Signius Communications was very positive, which is no surp rise considering it is an employee-owned company. It was clear when we spoke with a representative that they had a stake in the company and were dedicated to providing exceptional customer service.The representative was very knowledgeable and forthcoming with information. Immediately after our call, the representative sent us additional information and a sample proposal. While these documents werent as detailed as other materials and proposals we received from competing call centers and answering services, they were still useful.We came away from the conversation with a strong understanding of Signiuss services and what we could expect during an onboarding process with the company.Ready to choose a call center service? Heres a breakdown of our complete coverageChoosing a Call Center Service A Buyers GuideBest Call Center Services 2019Best Outbound Call Center ServiceBest Call Center Services for Low-Volume BusinessesBest Overall Call Center ServiceBest Call Center for Medical Practi cesEditors note If youre looking for information to help you choose the call center thats right for you, fill out the questionnaire below to have our vendor partners contact you about your needs. Adam C. Uzialko Adam C. Uzialko, a New Jersey native, graduated from Rutgers University in 2014 with a degree in political science and journalism and media studies. He reviews healthcare information technology, call centers, document management software and employee monitoring software. In addition to his full-time position at Business News Daily and, Adam freelances for several outlets. An indispensable ally of the feline race, Adam is owned by four lovely cats. 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