Saturday, December 28, 2019

Manuscripts Sought for Special Journal Issue on Sustainable Li...

Manuscripts Sought for Special Journal Issue on Sustainable Li... Manuscripts Sought for Special Journal Issue on Sustainable Li... Manuscripts Sought for Special Journal Issue on Sustainable Life Cycle EngineeringThe ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering is currently accepting manuscripts for a special issue on the subject of sustainable life cycle engineering. The deadline to submit a paper for the special issue is April 15, 2018.The special issue, which is jointly sponsored by the Design Engineering Division (DED) and the Manufacturing Engineering Division (MED), is intended as a means for researchers to share their work on the role of konzeption decisions and emerging manufacturing approaches for solving todays economic, social and environmental challenges.The guest editors for this special issue, which is scheduled for publication in February 2019, are seeking submissions that concentrate on design and manufacturing-focused principles related to sustainability, i ncluding reduction of materials and energy use, substitution of renewables to replace non-renewable materials, reduction in undesirable environmental emissions, waste reduction, design and manufacturing methods for closing the product life cycle loop, re-engineering the structure of manufacturing enterprises, and new business models and paradigms to influence more sustainable manufacturing practices.Papers for the issue may cover a variety of topics, including sustainable design and manufacturing principles business and social outcomes of sustainable design new life cycle modeling methods and assessment practices for effective sustainable design and manufacturing education sustainability of Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things-enabled socio-technical systems novel metrics for sustainability explicitly outlining metric construction and assessment information sharing platforms for sustainability innovative design of sustainable systems case studies of sustainable design and manufacturi ng in practice and emerging computing technologies and architectures for sustainability.The guest editors for the special issue are Sara Behdad, Ph.D., the State University of New York at Buffalo, U.S.A. William Z. Bernstein, Ph.D., National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S.A. and Karl R. Haapala, Ph.D., Oregon State University, U.S.A.Manuscripts should be submitted by April 15 using the ASME Journal Tool, located at http// Authors who already have an account should log in and select Submit Paper at the bottom of the page. Authors who do notlage yet have an account should go to the New Users page, select Submissions and follow the step-by-step directions. Authors should choose Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering when they reach the Paper Submittal page, and then select the special issue Sustainable Life Cycle Engineering.For more information on the ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, visit https// e/JournalDescriptions.cfm?JournalID=11Journal=MANU. To learn more about the ASME Journals Program, visit https//

Monday, December 23, 2019

6 Ways to Combat Age Discrimination at Work

6 Ways to Combat Age Discrimination at Work6 Ways to Combat Age Discrimination at WorkIts a sad reality, but age discrimination against older workers is an issue that exists across many industries. Officially, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act forbids age discrimination against people who are 40 or older. This is a difficult law to enforce, and workers age 50 or older sometimes feel that employers are biased against them. The solution Use your age to your advantage. Here are six ways to effectively tackle age discrimination. 1. Stay current in your field. While it may not be something you want to spend your free time on, you need to stay abreast of the most current facets of your field. And not only should you be familiar with whats changed in your area of expertise, you should do some training or coursework in those areas to enhance your knowledge. This could be in the form of free or paid online training, in-person workshops or courses. 2. Learn new technology. If you hav e trouble using Microsoft Word, you should invest some time in learning it. This is one of those things that employers expect everyone to know. Depending on the type of job youre going for, it may be important to learn other software programs. If youre in a technical field, its an absolute necessity to stay up-to-date on the latest technologies and how to use them. While your information technology skills from 1985 may still come in handy, you need to come up to speed on whats changed and how the newest systems operate. 3. Become a thought leader. When youre seen as an expert in your field, you build credibility. Become a thought leader by authoring a piece for a trade journal or industry publication. Market yourself as a speaker for local industry panels or conferences. Publish your own blog on LinkedIn or a personal website. You can also answer questions in LinkedIn group discussions to showcase your knowledge. 4. Seek out community leadership positions. Assuming leadership role s in your community, whether its as a volunteer coordinator or board member, helps you stand out from the crowd. This shows that you are applying your expertise to commitments outside of work. At the same time, it demonstrates that you are a respected member of your community. 5. Keep your network fresh. While this is vital for people at any stage of their career, its particularly important as you age. It may be helpful to use a spreadsheet or calendar to keep track of correspondence with key people in your network and remind yourself to get in touch with them every four to six months. If you wait to reengage with people until you need them to forward your resume to someone, you may not get a positive reception. Ongoing communications are essential to maintaining a good impression and getting the help you need when you need it. If you can schedule coffee meetings or brief phone calls to catch up, that makes the relationship even more valuable and sustainable over the long term. 6. Broad experience means extensive knowledge. The goal of a large number of corporate teams is to spend the least amount of money possible on the next hire. However, this can be a big mistake. Cheaper folks are typically younger and have a lot less experience than their older counterparts. If you feel like your age may be counting against you in the course of discussions with an employer, tell them exactly what you would do in the position to make their business better. For example, describe the specifics of a training program you would develop or how you would empower a sales team to increase their numbers. While it may seem expensive to hire you, it could end up being a lot more expensive to hire several inexperienced people who end up not working out. Dont be afraid to mention that if the discussion reaches a point where you are being told that you are too expensive or have too much experience for a job. The best thing you can do is emphasize how your comprehensive knowledge acr oss your field will enable you to do a few specific things to improve their bottom line or operations. Spell it out. It will be hard for an inexperienced person to make the same argument without the practical experience to substantiate it. If youve kept current in your field and are seen as a thought leader in your space, youll have an even better chance at convincing the employer that youre the right choice.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Achievement Congratulations Email Message

Achievement Congratulations Email MessageAchievement Congratulations Email MessageOne of the best ways to heighten staff morale and increase project or work ownership is to recognize those times when an employee has successfully achieved a work milestone. People like to have their extra work efforts acknowledged, and writing musiknotes that praise this dedication are a simple way to inspire continuing excellence particularly if your organizational budget cant support employee bonuses or promotions. Below is an example of an achievement congratulations emaille a letter you can email to an employee who has completed a goal ahead of schedule. Email is the most common communication tool of choice for many in the geschftlicher umgang world. Email is great because you dont have to be available at the same time as the person on the opposite end to be able to communicate. Transmission is instantaneous, and it allows us to keep projects moving when our co-workers are unavailable or on the o ther side of the world in a different time zone. But theres a problem most of us are drowning in emails.On top of that, emails are all too easily misunderstood because, with the lack of face-to-face contact, it can be difficult to communicate emotions like praise or urgency or concern.Because of the volume of emails we send and receive, and because emails are often misinterpreted, its important to write emails clearly and concisely. Writing Clear Emails By keeping your emails short, youll likely spend less time on email and more time on other work. That said, writing clearly is a skill. Writing emails that are short and to-the-point will reduce the time you spend on email and make you more productive. Like all skills, youll have to work at developing it. To begin with, it may take you just as long or even longer to write short emails as it took you to write long emails. However, even if this is the case, youll help your co-workers, clients, or employees be more productive beca use youll be adding less clutter to their inboxes, making it easier for them to respond to you before moving on to their next tasks. Clear emails always have a clear purpose. Whenever you sit down to write an email, take a few seconds to ask yourself Why am I sending this? What do I need from the recipient? Is this worth sending an email? If you cant answer these questions, then you shouldnt be sending an email. Writing emails without knowing what you need and what you hope to achieve wastes your time and the recipients time and means youll struggle to express yourself clearly and concisely. Writing Emails That Recognize Achievements Emails that are written to acknowledge work achievements should also focus on the recipient instead of you, the writer. Avoid overusing the first person I instead, begin sentences with You or Your You continually inspire your team through your dedication, one-on-one mentoring, and can do attitude, or Your efforts have been invaluable in achieving o ur project milestone. Although you should keep your email short and to-the-point, do include a specific example or two of the qualities your recipient has displayed that enabled his or her work accomplishment. These can be things like their leadership, work ethic, teamwork, willingness to work overtime, dedication, assuming extra tasks, covering for other employees, mentoring or training others, attention to detail, enthusiasm, or time/projectmanagement skills. Achievement Congratulations Email Message Example (Text Version) Subject lineWell DoneDear Samantha,Congratulations on completing your teams project ahead of schedule.Your abilities to organize and motivate your team are a real asset to the company. Your innovation and persistence made all the difference in making this achievement possible.Thank you for your continued efforts.Regards,Steve ExpandMore Congratulation LettersHere are a variety of congratulation note examples to use to say congratulations on a promotion, a new jo b, and other employment-related accomplishments. Letter SamplesThese letter samples, including cover letters,interview thank you letters, follow-up letters, job acceptance and rejection letters,resignation letters, appreciation letters, business letters, and more great employment letter samples, will help you get an interview, follow-up with your interviewers, and help you to handle all of the employment-related correspondence you need to write.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

A Crash Course in Cost Control Management

A Crash Course in Cost Control ManagementA Crash Course in Cost Control ManagementTheres been much ado recently about the difficulty of finding highly skilled candidates for finance and accounting jobs. While geschftlicher umgang analysis and compliance knowledge are at or near the top of the list of skills many CFOs need most, cost control management also ranks high. Companies perpetually need accounting and finance professionals who can find ways to derive the most profit from the firms processes and products while minimizing inefficiencies.Businesses of every type and size use cost accounting to understand the expenses that go into producing a good or service, but the specifics and even the style of analysis can differ based on organizational structure and revenue streams.Elements of cost control managementWhether or not a business makes or manufactures a physical product, three broad categories encapsulate basic areas for defining cost controls materials, labor and indirect expen ses. Each one represents an area every business should monitor and analyze to keep costs to a minimum.How to do this will vary from company to company, since every company or business sector defines controls for cost control management based on the particulars of the given domain, locality and economic factors that affect it.For example, the materials costs tracked for a neighborhood restaurant will be quite different from those monitored by a multinational car manufacturer. The factors influencing labor costs for the hypothetical automaker can have complexities relating to laws and employee costs of living, for example, that will not apply to the restaurateur.Cost classification and analysisMuch as the way in which one firm defines its cost controls will not be the same as the next, how each approaches the classification and analysis of such data will differ. Some will group cost controls in a way that aligns readily with the financial accounting its business must do. Others will u se one or some combination of these other approachesTraceability Can the cost be traced directly to the object being produced?Function Is the cost associated with a particular function within the company? Which one research and development, production, administration, sales, warehousing, distribution?Cost behavior Is the cost fixed regardless of production volume? Or does it vary depending on how many units are made in a given timeframe?Ability to control Can a management decision affect the cost?The above list is just a sampling of the ways a firm might frame the classification of cost controls. The variety of analytical approaches is just as diverse with possibilities including variance analysis, throughput or activity-based accounting and lean methods.Accountants looking to enhance their expertise around cost control management can access related materials from the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board.Attaining the certified management accountant certification or chart ered global management accountant designation also can prove beneficial. Tags

Monday, December 9, 2019

Vital Pieces of Education Section Resume

Vital Pieces of Education Section Resume Vital Pieces of Education Section Resume An expert rule is that every experience have around bullet points of your primary duties and achievements. Consequently youll have to aim your resume to fulfill the specific position thats advertised and endeavor to combine your expertise along with the essentials of the organization. In case you have any questions or comments about how to compose a professional resume for a data analyst, dont hesitate to comment below. When creating an effective resume, you want to understand how to compose a skills section as it is but one of the very first things a prospective employer will start looking for to find a fundamental comprehension of what you, as a possible employee, can bring to their company. It is possible to also move sections around depending on the way you wish to prioritize your information. Many recommend producing your name the most significant part of information in the resume. From t ime to time, it means youll have one page, at times, it means youll have more than that. You may also be worried you dont have sufficient substantial material to fill up a page. The Little-Known Secrets to Education Section Resume Including a summary or objective is a necessity if you wish to earn a good resume great. Make certain that the last version of your resume highlights your specific abilities and abilities. Otherwise, you may add different sections to demonstrate a specific strength like your command place several foreign languages. Though it might seem sometimes that the education section on a resume is the simplest part, as you merely have to indicate where and what youve studied, it might not be as easy as initially thought. If youre early in your career or just completed an advanced level, you might decide to add certain courses that would be relevant for certain jobs. If youre just beginning, you might want to place a larger emphasis on education and internshi ps. Existing students or recent college graduates will probably need to set the education section to the top of the resume. In the case which you are a current student or recent graduate, it is probably you will not have as much work experience generally, but also more specifically in your preferred career field. Education Section Resume - Is it a Scam? If applied to an excellent position, in average youll be competing against two hundreds of different applications. Youll discover an expanding quantity of kinds of resumes emerging in the past several years and some are extremely valuable. On-line applications have many benefits over paper applications. Some job applications need additional info to be submitted along with the application itself. The s-lost Secret of Education Section Resume The organization is searching for somebody who has just the skill set they will need to acquire the best out of that position and you should use your resume skills section and the remain der of the resume to show them that you are that person. Theres no need to fear the dearth of expert experience on your resume. Stick to the tips above, and youll have a resume that compensates for the deficiency of knowledge and gets you the interview. If you wish to learn more about the way to identify and prepare for your fantasy job, go to Every component of your resume must be custom-tailored to the particular needs of each work position. How to compose a simple resume isnt a question people ought to be asking. There are an infinite number of methods of locating work. If youre looking for a job as an account executive, your resume needs to demonstrate you have the wisdom and experience required to advise clients and manage finances. Consequently, job seekers have to understand how to sell their abilities and qualifications with the aid of their primary marketing and advertising document. If you intend to begin your career with your very first job program , you must formulate your resume professionally before you submit an application for any job. You ought to find specific job opening posted by a particular company that you would love to submit an application for. Terrific job opportunities need great resumes. Choosing Good Education Section Resume Naturally, the amount of your resume isnt only dictated by industry. If you dont have a work experience, then you need to follow examples same format. What You need to Do If you dont have any work experience, then you need to stick to the identical format. Work experience also needs to be in reverse chronological order. If you dont want to use a resume objective, you can merely use a heading below your name that indicates the kind of job you would like to apply for. The quickest way to finish a work application is to be certain youve got the information that you feel you will need before you begin. Whenever your resume is being scanned the computer is searching for predetermin ed key phrases and phrases. Graphic-based resumes enable you to lay out complex data in a simplistic way.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Lost Secret of Format for Writing First Resume

The Lost Secret of Format for Writing First Resume Writing a resume isnt a simple endeavur, and as stated by the feedback from our current community, its really useful to check professional resume examples before starting to compose your own. Zetys resume templates are made with the aid of recruiters and adhere to the best practices in HR. Writing your first resume may seem to be daunting endeavor. You may also download completely free templates from our Resume Library to get going on your best resume. The One Thing to Do for Format for Writing First Resume The No. 1 reason employers are taking a look at your resume is to learn if your abilities and experience match their requirements. Learning how to do a resume when dont have any work experience is a lot easier if youre able to demonstrate some seasonal or short-term work experience. Creative While its important to get a professional resume, sometimes just a little creativity and innovation is suitable. Actually, in rega rds to first resumes and job applications, the idea ought to be to deal with the process for a learning experience. Have a peek at some of our favourite formats below or browse our complete assortment of free resume format layouts. The sections are simple to skim for the most relevant details. If youre interested in an infographic format, here are a few infographic samples to check out. Moreover, a great professional looking resume is the secret to a successful interview. Now you need to know how to compose a resume with no experience thats compelling and distinctive, ideal for a high school resume or a beginners resume for teens. Consider taking some on-line courses from EdXUdemyor Courserawork ones applicable to college job youre college to obtain. Resume writing or searching for a correct resume format is supposed to be among the most critical responsibilities that you encounter once your school year ends. Resumes can be a couple of pages. They can be used for a variet y of reasons, but most often they are used to secure new employment. They may be organized in different ways. They can be used for a variety of reasons but most often they are used to secure new employment. What You Can Do About Format for Writing First Resume Starting in the Next Six Minutes In case you have any part-time work, that will go a ways towards a good experience section. Also, make sure that the bullet points are formatted the same fashion throughout. To begin with, perhaps its time to estimate your current resume to be certain youre not committing any cardinal sins. The Good, the Bad and Format for Writing First Resume Theres always a mglichkeit that the hiring manager will print out a duplicate of your resume after reading it on the monitor. There are a lot of resume strategies to master which will help you land the job that you desire. Add some private branding to your resume. Resume creators permit jobseekers to make and download their finished resumes dire ctly from the world wide web to get started applying immediately. Ruthless Format for Writing First Resume Strategies Exploited There are pros and cons for each option, and at times youve got to base your decision on the sum of information you will need to have across. Furthermore, it provides all the essential information and details that the firm would like to understand. It is critical that your resume communicates the vital details as to the reason why employers should hire you.